Assalamualaikum readers.
Remember previous 2 posts about I received a letter? Oyeh, I dont show any of my letter do I? Hik, So, *continue* when I get a letter myself at residential office at my campus after my name have been tagged on Facebook, I sudently get feeling of a great enthusiasm and eagerness right into nerve! *over exited*
Wehoowehooooo~ *ignore the annoying me*
Tadaaaa~ I get a new number!
FREE CALL FOR BUDDYZ! 12am - 6pm *gayut kau sampai lebam!*
I saw this when I open up the Digi Easy Prepaid Manual
comelnya awak bagi love note macam ni *perasan*
He brought us a couple number which are" 014 -315 aXbc (where X is the unknown variable number, and a,b,c is the unknown common number) "
Are they talking to each other? Hewhew~
From now on, I have three numbers.
017(maxis) - known by family and friends (from secondary school and old friends).
013 (celcom) - known by close family, some of my close friends and him.
014 (digi) - only the one who brought me this. *hugs*
may this feeling last forever

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