Some of you may ever ask a question like this: what am I going to do with my RM250 book voucher? Can I buy hardisk, lapdesk or any expansive stationaries at bookstore? The answer is NO. Or maybe YES. Why NO and some says YES?
This year, we (the BB1M recipient) have been given a guideline from the government itself about how to spend the BB1M. They applied the new regulation for these book vouchers usage which they limit our expenses on stationanies since back to the previous year where we are absolute mad to buy any things we like included electronics gadget. Either you like it or not, rules are rules.
You can use 80% of BB1M to get books and another 20% are allowed for stationary. *pssst! me too. I dont agree with the new rules! sangat annoying!*
But, look a the bright side. This is a kickstart campaign from the government to encourage reading habit to all Malaysian, especially student! I hope you get it! However, some of the bookstore offers more than that. It just like, you can back to the last year BB1M madness! For those who don't understand what I actually mean, this is a good news for you!
I found it on my friend's Timeline on social networking site.
Dekat mana kedai Advanzo tu, I have no idea. You'd better google it! Tapi pustaka rakyat ada banyak dekat Malaysia ni!
Thiz iz my book voucherzzz.
I spent RM150 book voucher at Kinokunya, Suria KLCC for:

Then, on 2nd March 2013, I spent another RM50 + RM24 (my own bucks) on Big Bad Wolf Aftermath Sale at Mines International Exhibition Convention Center (MIECC).
Pray for me on this lucky draw!
Where most of the books are as low as RM5! Actually, my target would be this (picture below). Unfortunately, I found none of this on the sale. So unlucky!

and this what I get at BBW Atfermath Sale!
I still have RM50 right in my hand for Electric Machinery Fundamentals Fifth Edition by Stephen J. Chapman (McGraw Hill). The price would be around RM100++. But its okay, I will 'paw' my boyfriend's book voucher! Hikhik! *evil* Hope to get it soon! Use yours wisely!
Anyone can share your experience where you spend BB1M 2013? It would be nice!
1 comment:
wah mmg gn ke jln yg benar, bgs2, huhu
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