1 done, 4 to go. Haihhhh ><" (keluh-kesah). I don't know what I'm going to prepare for Microelectronics subject next Tuesday. Haihhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ (mengeluh lagi =.= ) Oyehh, I've got a question, do other University need an exam's slip to enter the exam's hall? Or.. vise versa?

good luck, dear! same goes here. kitorang pon kena bwk exam slip. :))
oyehh, korang pun kena ke? igt kn kt sini je pelik. ehege. thaxx. btw, ko da habis final?
haah.it's not pelik anymore. haha. tengah ber'short.sem'an
wahh, tak cuti la kau ehh. course ape utk s.sem tu?
alohh satu subjek je. membazir. haha. statistics
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