I attended the Engineers Day at my campus and this is, I really like this invention!! It is simple but very efficient and awesome. This invention was found by my own friends :)
I cant remember what is this name. Hee. Sensor cooling fan or something... I cant remember it dohh!
As what they have told me; the first left LED (yellow) will be lights up automatically if it detect the temperature of the laptop rise up to 35 degree Celsius or 308 Kelvin, and the most right and up fan will switch on. Okey as yo can see the digital screen, it actually will show you the temperature. *I forget to on the supply when snapping this picture hehe :O
The middle fan will turn on if the temperature of laptop rise up to 40 degree Celsius or 313 Kelvin. The middle LED (green) will lights up. Then, if the temperature of laptop is over heated, the buzzer will make a sound and the the red LED lights up. It tells you that you have to switch off your laptop immediately. Interesting isn't it? And I'm not very surprise that their invention is listed at the top 20's. Because its awesome! Like me hahahahahaha :)
They told me that they wish to present their invention at Cradle; a company who gives away the budget or sponsor to the new inventors. *ala macam reality tv nescafe kick start tu? :)
yah, the inventors. wish you all the best!

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