Every favorite cartoon have a very favorite episode. As for me, I like to watch Spongebob Square Pants, eventhough I'm reaching
So here, Band Geeks; my favorite episode in Spongebob. Why? hehe, I saw something really funny! hahahaha - the wet armpit. Ohh goshhh, Patrick~ *facepalm*
you made my day Patrick. hahahaha :P
watch here

LOL, mmg baru perasan kat situ ade sweat patch. hahahaha. mcm aku lah tu. takleh nak sorok. siot. :P
ahahaha, aimi Patrick!
opsss ! ulya tak shuke patrick .
dia macam ..... ! kuang3~
tapi starfish betul , ulya suka !
sebab patrick tu blur semacam. muehehe~
saya dh lama x layan spogebob nie
hehe. tgk la sekali sekala ^^
atiqaa, somehow I do laugh my heart out watching Spongebob & his friends :)
natural remedy for stress haha :)
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