Assalamualaikum ^^
Remember I said I am searching for a job this semester break? Hah, alhamdulillah I get a job call few days before. I was worked at Sushi King Selayang Mall as a Service Crew (the one who take order from customer). I was. and I quit. hehe ^^ why?
On 31st May, I started working at 1.30pm till 11pm. Extremely exhausted! I thought my job just to take order and give some service. but... phew, at the end, I have to mop, clean the floor, kitchen, and blablabla. Wuuuu.. I thought I can hold on, but when I reach home after work, my mom ask, how's your 1st day? Then I cried. So sudden. I am sorry I cant hold this burden on my shoulder :'( This is not my field. Goodbye Sushi King Kong!
Let these pictures remain strongly in my memory.

wah sekejab je, adik saya bertahan keje kat kedai makan sehari je sbb dia geli ngan sos. huhu
hehe, mmg penat keje kat kdai makan. nak2 mmg da famous mcm kingkong ni ha
teringin nak makan kat sni!
hik, try la seronok *perasan kt jepun*
alaahai atiqaa syahiraa ==
kedai mkn mmg mcm tu la, lau yg keje amik order ni tugas dye bkn bermakna amik order je... mesti kena mop bagai jugak ler... aku penah keje cuci pinggan lagi ^^... manja sangat kao ney ..hahah ;P
ala nedy, tak support aku pun. jgn la kata aku manja, nt lg mengada hahaha >.<"
ehehe , kerja jap dah brenti ?
oh takpa ada jugak pengalaman . :)
ulya tak penah bekerja lagi setakat ini , habis matrik pun mngaggur je :p
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