Hik, everyone love vintage fashion these years. Yes, I can say this fashion influenced my style appearance too. But I'm not too crave for it, just if it suits to me it's okay, kalau nampak macam kakak tua tak la nak pakai kan? Hehe ^^ Suka jugak? You know Vintage Style? Here, vintage style refers to a clothing that copy the style of a previous era.
Nowadays, vintage does not necessarily mean old-fashioned nor classic but it is a trend for this new age. Because vintage itself is a unique fashion, I prefer not to buy it at Vintage Shop or any kind of it. I'm classic and I knew it. muehehe. So I ask my mom , "Umi do you have anything from 80's or 90's?" I hope she say yes!. "Yes but you have to find it. yourself. And one more, jangan sepahkan bilik umi"
So after few hours of searching *geledah bilik*, then I found these:
From Australia. My Umi brought it when I was 5.Vintage tak?
The fabric is a wool. A sheep wool. Still in a good condition.
Haa, this one is not a curtain or blanket or whatsoever. This is tudung. You know tudung? Hijab.. Hah, Understand now? Good!
For the skirt, I will keep and give it to my daughter when the time comes. Hehe *gatal* Seriously cute! But, I don't really remember where I used to wear that cutie skits before. The fabric is too thick to weather of Malaysia. Hmppm. Weird. And for that hijab, soon I will wear it. Very soon. To-a-date. Here. Trust me I will! Really vintage soon~ wohooo!

rasa comel bila dapat tengok pakaian kita dulu2 :)
baju tu comel sangat . ulya sukaaa !
hehe, memang comel kan? ^^ banyak lg gown dress alike but mostly not in a good condition :'(
I like Vintage too. And yes that skirts is a cutie :D
x de baju wkt baby sbb da buang.. sob3
@merapu, alo sian nya *sob sob* tak pe baju yg sekarang ni simpan elok2, nanti boleh jadi vintage ^^
hee, cute kan? :3
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