
Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Jerkiest

Bagi menghiburkan hati yang lara, aku bukak la ade blog ni. Serius, macam WTFish! Opssss... macam !@#$%^&Tapi kelakar. I enjoy read his blog eventhough I feel like I want to throw the calculator to his head!! Ehehe :D 

Blog aku bukan blog bapak kau  *pssst, memang la bukan blog bapak aku =.="

As I knew, the owner of these blogs is the same. Faiz Tapit or something. Tak de benda lain yang keluar dari mulut aku masa tu sambil gelak-gelak dan sebut "F.O, F.O, F.O"

*F.O tu ape? lu pikir lah sendiri. Hikhik :D


Faiz Tapit said...

hahah. macam kenal lembu tu

Yellow Scarf said...

yea yea. sory nak promote blog sat. lawak ahh